The history of The Lake County Aikikai, The Chicago Aikikai, and Charles Tseng Sensei are
intertwined. Tseng Sensei was born and raised in Taipei, Taiwan. He studied at Taiwan University, and
then came to the United States for his graduate study at Northwestern University and the University of
Pennsylvania. As a student, Tseng Sensei studied T'ai Chi in Taiwan.
While attending the Ginza Festival in Chicago during August 1970, Tseng Sensei saw an Aikido
demonstration given by Takahashi Sensei. His interest prompted him to join the Illinois Aikido Club (now
The Chicago Aikikai) in Chicago during September 1970.
In January 1972 Tseng Sensei visited Hombu dojo where he met Akira Tohei Sensei and Fujida Sensei.
Tohei Sensei was invited to instruct at the Illinois Aikido Club in April 1972. Three years later Tseng Sensei
received the rank of Shodan from Tohei Sensei.